First Baptist Church

Worship With Us!
First Baptist Church Pulaski is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ and discover their gifts in order to use them for God’s glory and the advancement of His kingdom. Join us for our Sunday services!
There is no particular dress code or expectation, just come a you are! We can’t wait to meet you!!
A typical worship service will last about 60–90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team.
Our Messages last 30-40 minutes and are always Christ-centered and Bible driven. Our pastor always lets God’s Word do the talking, so everything he teaches comes directly from the Bible.
There is childcare available for children up to 5 years of age during service.
Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.
What does First baptist Church of Pulaski Believe?
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” – A.W. Tozer
FBC Pulaski Leadership
First Baptist Pulaski follows a biblical leadership model. Both men and woman are called to be active in the church & community with distinct roles.

Dr. Henry Fiske
Senior Pastor

Michael Coleman
Pastor in Residence & Elder

Brian Hall

David McDougal
Lead Servant
Your Church Home
Make First Baptist Church of Pulaski VA Your Home! Come as you are and find a place to worship and serve the Lord today!
Sunday Services
Sunday School: 9:30am
Worship & Teaching: 11:00am
Nursery available
Wednesday Bible Study
Adult Bible Study: 6:15pm
Youth Group: 6:00pm
Nursery Available
FBC Pulaski history
Over the years, First Baptist Pulaski has planted four churches within Pulaski County: Dublin Baptist (1947), Trinity Baptist (1952), Memorial Baptist (1953, with over 100 members sent to establish the church), and New Hope Chapel (1968). Members of First Baptist Church continued to assist these plants long after they were established with finances, membership, and workers, and as a result, they are now (with the exception of New Hope Chapel) established churches.
In 2023-2024 A brand new roof was installed on the education building, followed by a total renovation of the top floor of the education building. This was necessary to support our church activities and the Wednesday homeschooling coop that continues to grow every term. First Baptist Pulaski is blessed with many church members who give generously of their time, talents, and resources in order for the church to be an active influence for the gospel in our town, county, state, and the world. Our Sunday attendance is now 50-70 each Sunday with many young families and children. The church regularly uses outreach events to reach the local demographic surrounding the church for the gospel, incorporating the church’s vision statement of “Glorifying Jesus and advancing His Kingdom”. Our focus is always on Jesus, and we depend on God’s Word for guidance, direction, and correction in everything we do. Our prayer is that God will continue to use First Baptist Pulaski to reach the lost and broken and to grow the faith of all believers to the glory and honor of Jesus Christ and advancement of the kingdom of our great God and King for many more years to come.
Please Consider Giving or Tithing to First Baptist Church of Pulaski
In Person
During service or at anytime feel free to use the envelope located in the pew to give to the church
Via Mail
If you would like to mail us a donation, please use the following;
First Baptist Church
325 Randolph Avenue
Pulaski, VA 24301
Contact Us
Briefly describe what the form is for or provide additional context if required. Use inviting language.